Jesus Wedding Miracle

Briefly, this wedding in Cana ran out of wine. Jesus's mother, who was in attendance, sought out her son and presented him with the dilemma.

Jesus instructs the servants to fill up six jars with water. He then instructed them to take a portion or cup to the Master of The Feast.

Somewhere between the filling of the jars and the taking of the cup to the Master, the water changed, and the rest is history.

Process Of Water To Wine

This is interesting; now, I don't want to get into all the inter-personal relationship dynamics or the spiritual messaging. Not in this post.

I want to focus on here, and what I find notable is the mechanics of the Wine miracle itself.

Jesus did not merely change water to wine, well okay, he did, but dig deeper, friend. The point I want to bring out here is a kind of science meets Bible convergence type moment.

You see, Jesus changed actual water into natural wine, and not just any wine. Still, as stated by the Master of the Feast, this wine was of superior quality.

Enough so that it caused him to pause in the middle of his affairs to give high praise for its quality.

A Matter Of Quantity

Something else that has always caught my attention was the quantity of wine that Jesus made.

This was not a few skins of superior wine; no this was as scripture relates. Jesus had them fill six stone water jars.

These were not some small jars either. These jars were estimated to be able to hold between 20 to 30 gallons of water. This means that Jesus made from 120 to 180 gallons of the purest and high-quality wine.

A couple bottles under these circumstances would have been excellent and shown a deep level of respect by the family. Jesus provided more than a thousand such bottles! I find this amazing.

God Is In Control

To my key point, God is in control of everything. There is nothing imaginable that he cannot do or create. Still, when God determined to make this universe, he established laws of nature and rules.

God uses creation to accomplish the wondrous things he does in creation.

In this story, Jesus changed water into wine; the change happened at the subatomic molecular level.

Jesus worked within nature and made a miraculous change. Imagine the water molecules colliding and breaking down into various chemical equations to reform as actual wine molecules.

God’s Definition Of New

If you are following with me on this, then you can see that what I am getting to is that when God makes a change, it is not a superficial type of surface change as accustomed to the way man does things.

No God changes things at the root, at the core, at the subatomic level. He transforms at a level where the old thing is not really that thing anymore; it is something else, totally new.

If anyone is burden with addiction, or sin, whatever. Know that Jesus can change us at a molecular level, and like the wine, the change in us can be of the best and purest degree and of great quantity.

We can be someone totally new, separated from our broken past.


I want to thank you for the time you have spent reading this article. I do not take that for granted; I know how busy and fast-paced our times have become. So again, I thank you and pray that I have been a blessing to you in some way or form. 

Mediate and Discern

Peace to you and God Bless 

Luv Ya All


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