John 6:1-14

I find this fascinating every time I meditate on it. Imagine how this played out. So here we have Jesus with his disciples, and they travel to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, The Sea of Tiberias. We are presented with an image of a large crowd following Jesus because of the sicknesses that he was healing.

Now due to the Passover period, Jesus presented to his disciples a dilemma. Which was where can we buy food to feed all these people? Phillip presented Jesus with his own predicament, which was yes if we could find a place to buy, how could we afford it.

God has set the miracle table up beautifully, we not only have no place to buy, but even if we did, we could not afford it.

Then came the icing on the cake, when Andrew went one step farther to show the utter futility of their situation by stating that a boy had five barley loaves of bread and two fish. The old if you don't have enough for everyone don't offer any problem.

With that, the key is in the ignition of this power miracle; the table has been set for Jesus to operate. We are, of course, mainly familiar with this story from our Sunday school days. They took the loaves and fish and feed everyone. Wow!

Great, but what I want to focus on is the mechanics of this miracle. Watch this, so the disciple breaks a chunk of bread and wham; it is back whole again as if nothing had been done to it. Well, that is how I imagine it, and if you think about it, how much more different can it have been from this being the way it played out. You take a whole fish out, give it to someone, and bam! There is another fish back in the basket.

Okay, for you scientists out there. Think about this, you pull a fish out or even break a peace off. The molecules within the basket begin to shift and collide to restructure into fish molecules or bread molecules, from nothing, or maybe cell replication from the remaining fish and bread.

The point I am wanting you to see is the absolute control God has over nature and the material world down to the smallest of unseen molecules; God is in control! The next point is there is literally no limit to the resources of God.

Here is another point for you to ponder. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, no matter who comes along to help fulfill a need you may have. Like the disciples' role in this event, the person helping you that gives you the provision you need is just a middleman working for God. So, when you are done thanking those sent to help you, be sure to acknowledge the true source of your needs being met.

The big picture lesson to be learned from this story is to show us how we are to think today, what our mindset should be, in that we are to have an ever-open mind to trust in God. So whatever fish or bread you need to be sustained in your life, start and end with God, and he will send you a middleman. What an amazing God. I am so glad he is on my side.

Peace to you, and God bless

Luv ya all


I want to thank you for the time you have spent reading this article. I do not take that for granted; I know how busy and fast-paced our times have become. So again, I thank you and pray that I have been a blessing to you in some way or form. 

Mediate and Discern peace to you and God Bless 

Luv Ya All


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