The Jesus Freak?

In the turmoil of the late 1960's and early 1970's a society wrestling with war and a massive counterculture movement also set its sights on an emerging wave of grass roots evangelist and disciples of Christ, who were not just talking Jesus but also fully buying into him. From the clashes of these two opposing minds sets arose a derogatory term that modern intellectuals could use to express how they felt about the new Jesus followers. That term was "Jesus Freak".

 Today you don't hear the expression as much, but I think for the present day Christian it should be a positive to have the mind of a Jesus Freak. I even think the term may have evolved to mean a little more than it did in its hay day.

 So what would the present day expression be?  What does this term mean now? How do you identify a Jesus Freak? What drives people to become Jesus Freaks?

 Many people are driven to become Jesus freaks because they want to find salvation and live a life that is in line with the teachings of Christ. There are many benefits to being a Jesus freak, including gaining strength in difficult times, having a community of support, and growing closer to God.

 In this blog post, we will explore these questions and more. We will also discuss the benefits of being a Jesus Freak in our present world.

 What is a Jesus freak and how do you identify one

A Jesus freak is somebody who loves and follows Jesus Christ with their entire heart. They are not afraid to tell others about their faith, and they are always looking for ways to serve God and help others. You can usually identify a Jesus freak by the joy that they radiate, and the peace that they have despite the chaos going on around them.

 What drives people to become Jesus freaks

There are many different reasons that people become Jesus freaks. For some, it is the love and hopes that they find in Jesus Christ that drive them to want to follow him more closely. They see how he healed the sick, fed the poor, and chastised the wicked, and they want to be a part of that. They see him as the perfect example of what a human being should be and they want to emulate him.

 For others, it is the sense of community and belonging that they find in being part of a group of like-minded individuals. They appreciate the support and fellowship that comes from being around people who share their beliefs. And, finally, some become Jesus freaks because they believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. They believe that through faith in Jesus, they will be saved from eternal damnation.

 What are the benefits of being a Jesus freak

There are many benefits to being a Jesus freak, including having a closer relationship with God, knowing that you will go to heaven when you die, and feeling happier and more fulfilled in life. Jesus freaks don't just see themselves as followers of Jesus, they take the bible at its word when it says that believers are children of God. Jesus Freaks believe they are children of God and act like it, viewing and talking to God as a son or daughter would with a parent that they both love and respect. The benefit of this is that your prayers life takes on a greater dimension, your faith is rooted deeper in someone and not just an idea. another benefit of being a Jesus Freak is that you become like King David, dug and sold out to the master, you become a person after God's own heart.

 My road to becoming a Jesus Freak and what it means to me

When I was younger, I never really understood what it meant to be a Jesus Freak. I would see people on TV or in the movies and think that they were crazy or weird. But as I got older, I started to learn more about Jesus Christ and what he had done for us. And through my personal experiences and interactions with others, I slowly began to transition into becoming a Jesus Freak myself.

 What does it mean to be a Jesus Freak? For me, it means that I have given my life over to Christ and that he is now the driving force in my life. It means that I am not ashamed of who I am or what I believe in, and

 Misconceptions about Christianity or Jesus Freaks

There are many misconceptions about Christianity and Jesus Freaks.


Some people believe that Christians are judgmental or intolerant.  Others believe that we are a bunch of hypocrites. Some people think that we are all brainwashed and blindly following a set of rules.

 The truth is, Christians are just regular people who have found hope in Jesus Christ. We are not perfect, but we have been forgiven and given new life. We follow Jesus because we believe that he is the only way to salvation. We are not perfect, but we are forgiven.

 Jesus Freaks

People may think that being a Jesus Freak means giving up all of your worldly possessions and living in poverty.  Some believe that we are a cult or that we only care about converting people to our way of thinking.

 The truth is, being a Jesus Freak simply means having a passion for Christ and living your life according to his teachings. We want others to know the hope and joy that we have found in Christ, but we respect people's right to choose their faith. We are not perfect, but we are forgiven.

 A man named Jesus

 Christ walked the earth and healed the sick, fed the hungry, made provision for the poor, chased away the wicked, and in the end, fulfilled his mission of coming to earth and dying for our sins.

 I say man but Jesus is much more than a man. He is the living God in flesh. now I understand that that is a difficult concept to wrestle with, but it is central to our faith and doctrine. That Jesus is truly man and God at the same time. It is the profession of our faith as well as the universal mystery.

 Jesus Changed My Life Course

Jesus changed my life course completely and gave me a reason to live. I was once headed down a path of destruction, but Jesus showed

 When I became a serious Christian, my life changed course. I was no longer interested in the things that once mattered to me, and instead began focusing on living for Jesus Christ. This change in focus has resulted in a much happier and more fulfilling life.

 I had from my earliest thoughts perceived that there was something greater, my extended family more or less were believers in Jesus Christ, but living that life at its core did not seem central to most of us. We went to church at times and checked the boxes for all the holidays. Then my Dad became a true believer, a "Jesus Freak". it said myself, my mom, and many others on a path to the savior. At that moment it all made sense to me and I reached out to God and accepted him.

 But like lots wife I kept looking back to a burning world and each time I was captured by its lure and turned into a mound of salt. I was for many years in a perpetual war with my flesh. I was fully saved but in many ways also fully powerless.

 Many years later after living like the prodigal son, I by then being a married man with a child to come, stood in a darkened living room as my wife slept and I wrestled with the Lord as Jacob did. When I was done, I was something new, for sure not complete but most certainly I was something new. I was a Jesus Freak. From that point in the following few years, I would consume more bible and commentary than my entire life before that period.

 Even now when I look back, I wonder if that period of learning even surpasses my present day.

 Back then I was a Jesus freak in action and expression, now I am a Jesus Freak in mind and spirit. If I can ever get these two guys together, wow! Now that would be the true definition of Jesus Freak.

 Finally, regarding my life path, I most certainly have gone off the rail; taken detoured and barren tracks to travel, but at the core was a revelation that the Most High God was in my corner protecting me and guiding me to my mission of being a teacher and apologist of his holy word.

 Being a Jesus Freak is not a constant, there are peaks and valleys, days of great faith, and days of wonder. What is certain to me is Jesus is real, Christianity is real, and the Jesus Freak notion is real.

Jesus and my daily life

I cannot help but think about Jesus Christ and all that he does for me every day. I am in awe of his power, his love, and most importantly, his sacrifice. He is the reason I have confidence in each new day. He is my first and my last thought.

I would be wholly fearful and in dread, if I were told that I would have to fend for myself for a day. No really! it is staggering to attempt to perceive the amount of mayhem the active will of God protects me from every day. How often he forbids Satan and his legions request to set upon me with the armaments of spiritual warfare.

There are innumerable benefits that come from having a personal daily relationship with Jesus Christ. In fact, there are so many that I could not possibly list them all in this post. But here are just a few:

 -security and peace amid trials and tribulations

 -hope for the well-being of the day

 -purpose and meaning for the day

 -a personal relationship with the creator of the universe through demonstration of nature (yeah take time to smell the roses)

 -forgiveness of sins of the day

 -daily conformations of a coming eternal life in heaven

 Jesus has saved my eternal soul, but he also saves my mortal temporal existence. Amen

 These are just a few of the things that drive me daily that come from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet experienced these things for yourself, I encourage you to seek him out and find your own faith journey.

 My faith-sharing methodology

 It is pretty simple: I tell people what Jesus has done for me and how he's changed my life course.

 Well okay, it is more than that, you got me. Today my sharing methodology is rooted in not just discovering information to tell people in person, but God has gifted me with the honor to write and tell a story in blogs, Facebook posts, youtube videos, podcasts, and so many more avenues. It is a blessing that I just love to do.

 Hours seem like minutes, and days appear to vanish when I am digging for information to both learn and share.

  I love learning about Jesus, and my zeal for him overflows when I can share with someone who is searching.

 It isn't always easy though; there are times when people don't want to listen, or they may be offended by the information I present. Other times the spirit is willing, but the flesh is not.

  That is when I have to just step back and let the Holy Spirit take over. I know that if I am obedient, and keep my focus on Christ, He will direct my steps. "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." Proverbs 16:9

 To the Unbeliever I say

I understand your skepticism. I understand the common talking point that Christians are brainwashed, sheltered people who didn't know any better. I understand that the world thinks that Christians are weak because they needed an invisible man to give them strength. 

 Oh, bewitched and deceived world how wrong you!  Christianity is not a religion of weakness, but strength. It is not a religion of naivety, but understanding. It is not a religion of following blindly, but of knowing the truth. 

 And what is the truth? That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he died for our sins. He rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of his Father in Heaven. This is not a fairytale or a story made up to comfort people- this is reality.

 Jesus Freak is not just a name we give to people who are obsessed with Jesus Christ. It is not simply a title for those who go to church every Sunday and read their Bible every day. A Jesus Freak is somebody who has given their life to Christ. It is somebody who has realized that they are a sinner in need of a Savior. It is somebody who has turned away from their old life and started living for Christ.

You see in a world of lukewarm Christianity and of false preachers and brothers and sisters. Jesus Freak is just a regular true believer, so every believer obedient to God is a Jesus Freak.

 If you want to become a Jesus Freak, the first step is admitting that you are a sinner.

 Seek Jesus and find your faith journey

When I was younger, I never really understood what it meant to be a Jesus freak. My friends would use the term to describe people who were religious and followed all of the rules. As I got older, I began to realize that being a Jesus freak is so much more than just following the rules. It's about having a relationship with Jesus Christ and living your life for him.

 There are so many benefits to being a Jesus freak. First and foremost, you have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are saved from your sins and guaranteed a spot in heaven. Additionally, living your life for Jesus brings joy and purpose into your daily routine. Finally, as a Jesus freak, you have the opportunity to share your faith with others and help lead them to salvation.

 I can testify from personal experience that becoming a Jesus freak is the best decision you will ever make. I was not always a Christian, but when I finally sought out Jesus and allowed him into my heart, my life changed completely

 The process to this wonder-full life and knowledge of eternal security and temporal guidance is not difficult at all it merely requires salvation.

 Salvation requires a personal and internal action of these:


A confession that you are a sinner, and fall short of God's requirements, that you are bound for hell, that Jesus is the only remedy to save you from hell. That Jesus is Lord.


A sincere regret of the wrongs of your past, you contrary thoughts against God's ways, doctrine, and his word.

 To allow, permit the Holy Spirit to change you towards God's ways.

 To renounce the world view that is contrary to the word of God.


That Jesus is the only way of salvation.

 That he died on the cross to save your soul from hell.

 That he was buried in a tome for three days and on the third day he rose to life and sealed the deal of your salvation.

 That he is fully God

 4. ASK

Ask God to receive you as his child and save your soul in Jesus’ name, to have mercy.

 This all looks complicated and legalistic in writing, but in fact, it is one of the simplest contracts on earth.

 There is no established script if in your own words you:





God will know what you mean, and he will honor it, he will save you and this contract is binding.

God will secure your place in heaven and there is nothing the world, man, or the devil can do. You will never have to worry about hellfire again.


For The child of God

If you’re not a Jesus Freak, I encourage you to become one. It’s an honorific title that we should all be striving for.

 If you are a Jesus Freak, wear the name with pride! Let it be known that you have dedicated your life to following Jesus Christ. Seek Him out in prayer and Bible study, and allow His Holy Spirit to guide you. You will find peace in His loving arms.

 So, Jesus Freak, keep on doing what you’re doing because it brings joy to our Father in Heaven. Seek Jesus and find your faith journey to salvation, and peace. Amen.

 For the Unbeliever

I encourage you to seek Jesus for yourself. Find out who He is and what it means to have a personal relationship with Him. Allow Him to show you the way and follow Him with all your heart. When you do that, being called a Jesus Freak will be the highest honor anyone could bestow on you – because it will mean that you are one of God’s children, saved by grace through faith in Christ. And that makes us all winners in His eyes!
