Monolith Christian Ethos is a firm believer that every Christian can live a more confident, focused, and fulfilled life by the mercy and grace of God. Faith and contentment are the first steps; wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are the next steps, it is this second step where MCE’s Ethos Inspirations section seeks to provide the Christian.


we are dedicated to empowering the saints with knowledge on healthy living and mental health, as well as providing knowledge on personal improvements such as faith-based guidance, motivation, strength, and determination.

Ethos Inspirations is the means by which we are dedicated to empowering the saints with knowledge on healthy living and mental health. We provide knowledge and guidance on personal improvements such as faith-based motivation, strength, and determination.

We understand that life can be a tumultuous journey, filled with difficult times that require great effort and willpower to overcome. Despite the hardships we face, it is still possible to find peace and joy along the way. At Ethos Inspirations, we focus on helping you remember the inner strength from God that helps you through these trying times. We focus on inspiring you to live an enriched life of fulfillment and harmony.

It takes courage to cope with the struggles of everyday life while maintaining a sense of tranquility in our hearts. That’s why Ethos Inspirations works hard to provide guidance for a better understanding of mental health issues and how to manage them. We also provide information and thoughts on the meditation of God’s word, knowledge about nutrition and lifestyle choices, and emotional encouragement for those struggling with depression or anxiety.

We believe that everyone has the potential within themselves to reach their highest potential by embracing a holistic approach towards life balance and growth. By working together (and individually) we strive to assist each other in applying all our resources towards individual success while also creating a stronger collective bond between us all.

Whether it's learning more about healthy eating habits, exploring meditation techniques aimed at improving mental health or developing new strategies for reaching personal goals - whatever your journey entails - we are here at Ethos Inspirations ready to support and encourage you each step of the way!

Our aim is to inspire believers to embrace the wisdom of the bible to achieve a sound mind and body so they can confidently run the good race in life, fight against the flesh’s temptations, and bring glory to God. We strive to provide Christians with vital knowledge through blogs, videos social media posts, lectures, and podcasts information they need for a healthy life full of faith and success.