As a kid, I loved the zoo; I have been to the Philadelphia Zoo as a kid countless times. My friends and I combed every inch in our explorations; we felt like we were zookeepers ourselves during that time. I still have a fascination for Zoos and their purpose and function outside of being merely a showplace for us to see animals and creatures from far-off lands.

 Funny turn of events for once upon a time, zoos were the privilege of the wealthy and influential cities. In the early 19th century, zoos began to transition from symbols of royal power and princely menageries and places designed to entertain high society with strange novelties into the public zoological gardens we now have. These Facilities have a fantastic mission to educate the entire population with information along modern scientific lines and, of course, entertainment. 

This new zoo concept is often funded, maintained, and supported by local commercial or scientific societies. As a young kid from Philadelphia was and is still ever so grateful for those, who put out the effort and sacrifices to present the Philadelphia zoo.

 So if you have time, get out and see the animals and support the cause!


Okay, so I love Zoos, but I looooove public aquariums. I have been to many of varying types and sizes. I owned personal aquariums as a kid and young man; Oscars were my delight, though I toyed with Jack Dempsey and convicts. I never got around to Salt Water, but there is always tomorrow, right?

 So a public aquarium is the aquatic counterpart of a zoo, which houses living marine animal and plant specimens for public viewing. Most public aquariums feature tanks more extensive than those kept by home aquarists, as well as smaller tanks. Since the first public aquariums were built in the mid-19th century by foundations and municipalities, they have become popular, and their numbers have increased. Most modern accredited aquariums stress conservation issues and educating the public.

 Public aquariums often are affiliated with oceanographic research institutions that conduct research programs and sometimes specialize in species and ecosystems in local waters. The numerous smaller aquariums where I now live are of this type, housing the many kinds of aquatic sea life and creatures off the Carolina coast and Water lands.