The best way to use this video is to listen and meditate on the words of God, ponder how they apply to the topic at hand. Some verses will be apparent. Others will require more meditation, but these often will inspire you the more revelation of God for you in your moment of seeking.


Many have often heard the term apostasy, but many don't grasp what it means. Some even think that it is a different word for sexual sins, though that very well could be a contributing factor. In truth, apostasy is the act of a person with a sound mind making an intentional decision to leave their faith.

Now having their minds made up, there are two paths or mindsets; the first is overt, this person proclaims his dissatisfaction and moves. The second path is the one who has made up their mind, but they want to avoid the conscious acknowledgment; these are those who will not go to worship or fellowship.

This last group is often caught between both worlds, that of the believer and the unbeliever. They move about them both often being good people; they look like Christians, but in their hearts and mind, they have rejected God and Jesus. They may think otherwise, but they have.

"1 Timothy 4:1 says many will fall away in the end times, going after the teachings of demons". Here Timothy is forewarning us that a time will come when there will be a great falling away. These people in mass will begin to leave the faith to pursue teachings that will make them feel good or enhance their prosperity. They will reject what they will term as the negativity of the Gospel of Jesus and the doctrine of Hell, and the need for salvation.

It is not just a simple matter of individuals falling away from their philosophy. Still, the scriptures warn us that there will come engineers who will build contrary patterns of thoughts. Thoughts that will water down, contradict, or even outright denounce portions of the Bible.

2 Peter 3:17 warns us that these architects are called false teachers and will be empowered both by their flesh and by the anointing of Demons. Peter encourages us, the believer, to be on guard against false teachers.

Monolith Christian Ethos is a service operation of Genesis Strategic Ventures, which is an Information, training and consulting service company. Other core service operations within Genesis include: Praetorian Incident Consulting; Omni travel Quest; Third Rail Commentary; Zenith Bible Analysis; and Genesis Strategic Christian Intelligence.

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