• Ethos Essentials

    Essential Conduct is about studying the positive attributes Christians should aspire to live and display in their lives and interactions with the world and fellow believers.

    The hallmark of these attributes are the “Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23”.

  • Ethos Inspirations

    Motivation of the Believer to run the good race and fight the good fight to the end is the goal of Ethos Inspirations.

    This is achieved by means of Motivating speeches, sermons, prayers, and scripture reading.

  • Ethos Revealed

    Revealing the endless attributes of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is the mission of Ethos Revealed.

    The better you know the Triune God, the greater your faith, trust and commitment in him and for him.


    Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?

    There is a war raging within us all, the Flesh or our very nature.

    There are attributes of our nature that run contrary to the desires of God for our human conduct.

    Ethos Warfare explores and seeks to counter the ideas of these negative attributes of life such as hate, envy, deception, jealousy, lust and countless more.

  • Ethos Tribute

    To honor someone is to value them highly, to have esteem for them or great respect.

    The Bible encourages us to be mindful of those who serve the congregation or the society at large, those who make tremendous sacrifices often unseen or unsung.

    The tradition Bible exhorts of our parents, the aged, and those in authority are well known and practiced.  

    This section is centered around the unsung hero and laborers among us who go about their methodical daily grind without fanfare.

  • Ethos Revival

    This section provides motivating sermons and speeches set to inspirational background music, with the goal to inspire you to be better, to reach farther and to see God as your source of power and strength to deal with and ever changing world.

  • Ethos Psalms

    The Book of Psalms for the most part is a book prayer and praise.

    It is a staple of the believer to turn to as reference in all aspects of life from tragedy, loss, to moments of great blessing and mercy from God. 

    These videos are designed as general narrative readings with inspirational music and stunning visuals as yet another way to meditate upon, or just to enjoy the word of God.

  • Ethos Relaxation

    Ethos Relaxation is about allowing you to unwind from a busy day or creating a calming environment while you work or do chores around the home.

    This is done through relaxing sounds of nature or music.

    This is not a passive form of eastern meditation that requires you to yield your mind over to the cosmos.

    No this is Christian centered relaxation that encourages you to be fully active and alert of your environment and thoughts as you think about the words of God, or as you go about your duties with these sounds as background.

  • Ethos Feel Good Moments

    Videos for fun, entertainment and to just plain help bring a smile to your face and bring a little joy into your life.

    Life can be hard we seek to remind you that God created us with the ability to laugh. So come with us and live love and laugh, glory be to God.



    Interview Talk Show devoted to talking with and highlighting the work of Clergy, Christian congregation, and Christian business.

    Here we discuss the conduct of the body of Crist as well as issues in the new and culture.

    The heart of this show is motivation, and uplifting the Christian to greater heights in God.



    Fascinating and Fun places for Christians to visit or learn about.


    Images that are meant to inspire, warn, an empower.