Music and scripture to meditate on the word of God

 The best way to use this video is to listen and meditate on the words of God, ponder how they apply to the topic at hand. Some verses will be apparent. Others will require more meditation, but these often will inspire you the more revelation of God for you in your moment of seeking.  


 We should be mindful that there is a dynamic difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is a state of mind; joy is a state of being. Even within this definition, there is a distinction between the joy we can generate for ourselves and the joy that God can provide to a believer. A believer whose faith is set firmly in the love and care of God.

 We, believers, have the assurance of the words of God in the Bible to help us through our times of difficulty and establish within us an almost supernatural-like ability to stand in the face of adversity. The source of this form and degree of joy can only come from God, the creator of man.

 God is the source that allows us to transform joy from a state of mental happiness to an actual state of being that gives us the strength to be at peace even with a mind absent of happiness.

 The scriptures and music in this video seek to guide one to have a mind of rejoicing and remembrance. A remembrance of the blessings of God in our lives and to encourage us to give Him glory in all things no matter how difficult the road we travel. So enjoy this video; allow it to draw out of you a true feeling of gratitude for God's love and mercy in our lives and the sacrifice of Jesus to save us from a fate worse than death.

Monolith Christian Ethos is a service operation of Genesis Strategic Ventures, which is an Information, training and consulting service company. Other core service operations within Genesis include: Praetorian Incident Consulting; Omni travel Quest; Third Rail Commentary; Zenith Bible Analysis; and Genesis Strategic Christian Intelligence.

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