The best way to use this video is to listen and meditate on the words of God, ponder how they apply to the topic at hand. Some verses will be apparent. Others will require more meditation, but these often will inspire you the more revelation of God for you in your moment of seeking.


Today's modern community has all kinds of terms to define the degree and nature of the human relationship; we are coworkers, associates, neighbors, and homies; of course, there are the traditional notions of friend and family, husband and wife, parent, and child.

This video is about friendship, not as the world would see it, but as God would see it and define it. The word of God is not slack in offering its instruction in how we should view friendship and how that friendship should be conducted and evaluated. God's perspective on human friendship comes from the creator's view, one who knows the intimate design of the human body, mind, and soul.

Sin the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, we have all had an internal desire to be known and loved. God himself proclaimed after the creation of nature that it was not good for man to be alone; his remedy was woman and the formation of marriage and then family.

It is in friendship where man has developed a now blood bond with other persons that can rival that of siblings. The ideal relationship is for a man and his wife to have a friendship bond.

God was not slack in designing us to be able to bind with duplicitous companionship. The bible lays out a manual of building and nurturing a foundational relationship that can be one of the most potent sources of love and encouragement, outside of marriage and the blood bond.

This video sets out to lay before you just a few verses on the instruction of friendship. I pray that it is a blessing to you.

Peace to you and God Bless

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